Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Joberg Arrival

After 2 days of travel, Martin, Denise and Teswyn gave us a warm South African welcome. It was great to see friendly faces after such a long journey.

Fire Pit

No camp is complete without a fire pit. Ours happened to have a shelter around it as the winds gust more than 20mph at night. We had a huge fire here and watched the evening lightning and heat storm pass through the area. There are no city lights just billions of stars.

Riet River

Here's our view from our camp. The Riet River is a slow moving wonderful river that split the ranch east and west. It was home to many different species of waterfowl including the Hadedas. The Hadedas is a huge bird that served as our alarm clock. You could set your watch to his call...5.23am every morning.

Our Camp

Our camp was a beautiful rock and mortar lodge. Several nights we had bats flying in the living area. It was quite funny and reminded me of my college days when I lived in the Bat Cave of St. Joseph's Cathedral at Loras.

Sortin Things Out

Our hunting team sortin things out and makin the plan.

Down on the Farm

The concession was located on a huge farm just south of Kimberly. The farm had sheep, goats, cattle and many large alfalfa pivots.

Riding Shotgun

Nick and JP getting their abs workout on Martin's bakke.